Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ultramarines at MCM Expo: take 2!

Keep the splendid questions rolling in, on this thread or the previous one. Like I said, it's only for funsies right now, but we're going to do a Q&A session to camera during the course of the day, so I may get the team to answer some of them then, all official like.

The reason for this extra post is to revise the timing for the event - I've just been told it will now be at 2 pm, that's 2 pm, and it will be followed by a half hour signing at the Ultramarines stand.



Roderick said...

My question is:

With this much excessive manliness both involved in the film and on the panel, what steps (if any) have been taken to alleviate the inevitable homoerotic explosion (probably scoring a 2.1 on the Top Gun Scale)?

Will Wright said...

You have no idea how glad they have you doing this project.
I wonder how bloody it will be,hopefully not geared too much toward kids and more toward young adult or dare I dream Liquid Television esque maturity.
It would be so cool if they really let you take the gloves off and they let you get graphic the Heavy Metal the movie.
Not the jiggly parts but the other cool stuff like Den jamming his rifle barrel in the top of someones head or a taxicab that disintergrates the fares.

Will Wright said...

Damn thats what I get for writing a post first and Zinging second :)

Phillip said...

I have no fears whatsoever in the writing. With you at the story's helm I know the 40K mythos is well represented. My only fear is this, how much attention is being paid to the look of the Marines? The pictures posted on Flickr haven't filled me with confidence. I feel strongly that the art in the Codexes (yes, I know it isn't really the plural) is perfect and should be used as the guide for animations. Where do the film makers stand on this?

Adelie High said...

Will there be a focus group, and how do I get on it?


As previously stated, I've just got my first major credit playing Dobson in Age of Heroes.

As the owner of Heresy-Online I'm also "pretty well known" on the interwebs. Would be cool to gain another credit in a movie setting I'm so passionate about.

So, onto my question! :)

Will there be an opportunity to speak to the producer alone at some stage Dan?

Lee Jerrum

Anonymous said...

My major concerne is not about script - i have great faith in you mister Abnett. But in the adversary for our brave heroes. Please dont tell me that it would be orcs! Last 6 months black library and GW make only orcs orcs and orcs. The orcs are stupid and very poor adversary for SM! Please - tyranids, Chaos Marines (thats the ideal), daemons but not the orcs!

And second question - release date? Autumn? Or 2011.

HiWayRobry said...

Hey Dan, way off topic but I'd like to ask you anyway. First of all, just finished the GotG 'War of Kings' tpb and loved it! Awesome, as usual. My question is, I've heard rumors that that was the last of this series of GotG books, but that they're going to start off a NEW series from issue #1. Is this true? Are you and Andy still going to be writing it? Please, please, please say you are. Oh, and I can't wait for the 40K movie. It's gonna rock!!!

Will said...

When can we expect "The Eisenhorn Trilogy", the epic series of films that will go down in history with the likes of Star Wars, Star Trek, Aliens, etc. as one of the greatest sci-fi contributions of my lifetime? :)

Will said...

Also glad you are working on this Ultramarines project, been excited about a 40k movie since the Dawn of War 1 intro movie.

Anonymous said...

Will there be amazing cameos by any of the cast of Eisenhorn and/or Ravenor?

Now that we've gotten that most likely "No" answer out of the way, onto the actual movie!

Just how involved are you in the script and the movie as a whole?

How much inspiration from already established art are the directors taking?

Is there any specific type of movie they're going for? Perhaps a combination, like mostly action with some mystery, etc.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to see the Ultramarines movie be a tale of conflict between say Word Bearers and the big U's ... i would Imagine that would be a brutal - idealogically fueled brawl - perfect for 40K ... as someone said please not Orcs ha ha .. anyway looking forward to it whatever the advesary is - a Warhammer movie ? WOW

Anonymous said...

People are disappointed with Ultramarine teaser. Really disappointed.

TheSGC said...

I disagree with Anonymous. I am impressed especially with the scale of the animation and the CGI. If the voice fits with a different model then it's great too.

Unknown said...

Hi Dan, I apologise for my queue jumping. I had no idea there was a panel, or a book signing. I was in fact loitering for the preview video and ended up right next to your desk.

But thanks for letting me butt in and quickly ask about Prospero Burns.

All the best
The Space Wolves Blog

Anonymous said...

I mean CGI is really nice but....

"All that stands in their way is the mighty Space Marines." - And what about Imperial Guard?

"And the greatest of them all are the Ultramarines" - Really? I mean, really?! I'm not asking whether Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Imperial Fists, etc. are better.... but Grey Knights! Grey Knights!

McKennsy said...

Anonymous, remember that films like these are aimed at a general audience in a hope to bring them into the hobby, not at established fans.

thorsbro said...

Will this movie come on Blu Ray? It simply MUST!!! :)