for the
and hung with
(that's Todd Nauck and Andy Lanning breakfasting at the Tick Tock Diner, fyi)
and we saw lots of friendly
and several
(that's our old buddy Eddie Berganza in his editorial lair)
and we saw lots and lots of
lots and lots of them
and we weren't late for any of our signings, no sir
and some of our signings also involved ace artists Brad Walker and Miguel Sepulveda
and I talked to people about mucho projects, including
(Rocket Raccoon, not to scale)
and the Ultramarine wanted to know why I hadn't written the movie about a, you know, actually COOL chapter like the Space Wolves or the Blood Angels, and we lolled, and he suggested I had better go spend some time somewhere like
and think about what I'd done, mister, and I said "No way", and he said "Yes way", and that didn't end well
and then I got home just in time for

Lily (and Hannah's) Eighteenth Birthday Party, which was circus themed and apparently went brilliantly, except that everyone looked like Pennywise, which was creepy
and then Lily's birthday was over

and it was mine instead.
Busy week, as you can see. More busy to come, as I shoot off to Games Day Italy this weekend. I can't wait to be there. I hope the flight is better than the one to NY, where we circled Newark in the rain for so long, we ran out of fuel and had to land at an unrated airfield in Connecticut, and finally got in six hours late.
Andy and I would like to thank Legion fan extraordinaire Dave Rash for his support during the NY visit, and Todd for his forbearance, and say a huge "Peace and Love" to all the people who stopped by to say hi, or interviewed us, or tolerated our diva-like antics. And The Karaoke Incident. And thanks to Banks Wine Bar in Maidstone for being a brilliant party venue (tell your friends).
And anyway, you know how Customs and Immigration officers are REALLY serious, especially going in and out of the US, and you must never EVER try to be amiable or josh with them, because that way surprise cavity searches lie (I'm not mocking, it's a serious job, and they're trained to treat joviality with the contempt it deserves). So, Sunday night at JFK, heading home, Andy's gone through the barrier and is putting his stuff on the X-Ray, and I approach the Very Serious And Very Armed officer at the station, and he takes my passport off me, and looks at me and I know, I just KNOW that it's My Turn for a random spot check, or I've accidentally stepped over a line, or had a funny look on my face, and I brace myself, and he says, "When are you going to finish that Space Wolf novel, then?"
And grins.
I LOLed out loud at that......then the puppy wizzed on the bathroom floor and broke the moment.
Something similar happened to me when we went to Kennedy Space Center. One of the Very Heavily Armed Security Guards [tm] stopped me and beckoned me over. With his gun, no less.
'I like your t-shirt,' he said.
It was my self-designed Gambit one.
I've never panicked so much over a compliment. Ever.
Can't say anyone, other than people wanting me to give all my money to charity, have ever beckoned me over to say anything to me.
I'm good at blending in.
I have been beckoned.
Oh I have been beckoned.
Awesome post boss, NY looked ace, the party looked ace, Pennywise was quite an accurate description, some border guards do have good taste apparently then.
I can see my house!
Great moment at customs, though I disagree about joviality being rightly disapproved at customs/airports.
Awesome post!
Nah he didnt did he hahahahahaha joker
See Wolf fans everywhere!
Rocket Raccoon cosplay! The world just gets better...
The plane still had fuel, the pilot just didn't want to go to Newark.
So... was that a guy in a Space Marine suit? He must've been awfully tall.
Wow!! That was just great. One of your best blog entries so far!!!
I too have lolled, and withe no incontinent puppies my moment is still here (sorry Xhalax) :)
Many years ago when my dad was at a parents meeting to try and decide on a childs entertainer for a kids part, the meeting dragged on on got boring and he ended up suggesting Pennywise the clown to entertain us.
Afterwards one of the otherparents actualy came up to him and asked if he had Pennywise's number (doh) lol :)
My puppy isn't incontinent.....he's half clever as he whizzed in the bathroom....where the right facilities are, buy mostly pin-headed and pea-brained because he just slipped into the bathroom rather than doing his usual wandering behavour that let's us know he needs to pee.
Xhalax: wished i could share that. Blending in is somewhat difficult with flaming red hair.
I totally agree with the UM here, you SHOULD have written a script about a cool chapter like the Wolves... meh, we get a Burning Prospero, designed by World Creater (just using yor words, buddy ;) ) Dan, so... smile happy faces.
Oh, Dan: send my greetings to Aaron Dembski-Bowden (not arrow) - that was the BEST short I have read so far, and I waited for it since "The Sabbat Worlds Crusade" hit the shelfs.
(no offense meant - aquired "The Iron Star" on GD when it was published, so it was not a contestor. Oh, and your introductions were hilarious :D)
When are you going to finish that Space Wolf novel, then?
Thanks for visiting New York! It was great meeting you. ( I was the one on sunday that took the pic with you and Andy at the midtown comics booth).
Xhalax: the little devil lol :)
Dan you landed in Connecticut and didnt stop by for some tea...
Woopps. I mean Corbic's cigars and Try's finest.
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