It was my first German GamesDay, and I positively had to be there, given my no-show last year. It was great. The city was great, the weather was great, the company was great, the food was great, the venue was great, and it was, simply fantastic to meet and chat to so many German readers.
Here's what my queue looked like before my queue arrived.

... And mighty fine they looked too. For those of you who like a little tour-guide with your blog, here's what Cologne cathedral looked like as I walked over the Rhine towards it (obviously, there was a bridge, I'm not, like, Jesus). The cathedral houses the bones of the Magi in a golden ark. Allegedly. I must check that out, next year (I was pretty pushed this time, because of, you know, GamesDay.

All in all, as you can tell, it was great. I'd like to thank Mal and Mark and the German GW crew for making me feel welcome and keeping me company. Let's do it again, guys!
While I'm on the subject of photos and pictures and costumes, I would like to share this picture of Alison Smaalders, who sent me this photo of her as Saint Sabbat. I hope she won't mind me sharing it with all of you, because it's a great look.

Thanks to Nik's Photoshopping skills for the excellent backgrounds in these shots. We didn't want to upset anyone caught in the background.
A big shout out to Dave Taylor, whose website currently displays the winner of his "Design a Set of Stalk Tank Rules for Apocalypse" competition. Dave's site is damned good, and he's also one of the staunchest Ghost fans there is. That's why Blood Pact is dedicated to him. If you want to check out his blog it's at:
Finally, if my old college friend, Tom, tried to e-mail me through this site, could he do it again? As I checked out the in-box connected to this site the other day, I could've sworn I saw an e-mail from Tom, but it got swallowed by the aberrant behaviour of the internet, deleted before I could open it. If it was you, Tom, please e-mail again.
And...! Zing.
No way they can have done better than us ! Games Day France shall forever be "Le" Games Day to attend to.
Cosplay looked nice, though. And the venue. And the hearty welcome. And all that you said was great. Damn, we have to do even better next year to get you over too.
Le Dju
We love to come to Paris - don't think twice about it!
Love some of the costumes, was that the Saint in the last pic?
Also, any chance of you coming down to visit Australia's beautiful shores sometime soon?
Dear Mr Abnett. I am grateful to have made your acquaintance. A BIG BIG F-ING FAN. Been playing, reading and painting (even a little Bolt Thrower in there) since 1989: Laurel, Md GW Store). Would you please two seconds to read my post at the following link?
We writers all have our own ways and they find themselves sometimes at the mercy of something greater. If the story is great.
Gameworkshop has created some of the most thought-provoking, intune, indepth, broad-reaching and all encompassing storylines for the human imagination.
Please share with me in the marvel that is this magnificent creative force.
Thank you so much for your time,
Ah Koln catherdal,that brings back memories...
As a lad I went to huge gathering of youth organizations in Germany. Due to one of or supervisiors fear of flying we took the train. Yes it was a long day. Anyhow just before we pulled onto Koln, where we were due to change train, I found a 'suspicious cigarette' hidden in the runner of the window. Whilst the rest of the crew went for a tour of the cathedral my bestest chum and I were round the back making good use of the things that you find.
I really must go back and check out the cathederal at some point too.
Balls!.... Dave is definately the Heaviest, Superheavy weight contender for the Title of Gaur, man his stuff is cool! He has even made a great Stalk Tank which looks Authentic and everything....(most dont).I think i still have it on troopers but his stuff is Amazing...Does this guy do it for a living?
Well done Dave mate you have give me the inspiration to have another go at Stalk tanks, no really you have they are totally badass!
If you see me comment on there its me Big from Dans blog
Sounds great, and the costumes look lovely; wish I could've been there! Sadly, it's unlikely I'll even be able to make the UK Games Day this year...
Where the hell is my pic? ;-)
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