Monday, August 20, 2012

This Way Comes...

That's right, Magic, ladies and gentlemen! It's a new anthology of original fiction from Solaris, and I've got a story in it (among some illustrious company).  But don't just take my word for it... or rather DO, because that blather segues rather neatly into this link, which will take you to the first of my new batch of recently recorded video-blogs, answering your latest round of questions. Many more chunks to come, but this one starts the ball rolling with a chat about Magic, and other forthcoming projects.

Thanks for all the questions, by the way. They were great and various and very probing. You should all be interrogators for the Holy Ordos.  I'll be posting up new vlog segments every few days, so stay tuned.


Will Wright said...

My question is why is there not an offical Eisenhorn and Ravenor minis?
Stay classy

TheSGC said...

The Bequin trilogy will take place after the Ravenor one, right?

Will Wright said...

yes it takes place after Ravenor Trilogy

Cor said...

After the latenst video I was wondering if your still planning on writeing a sequel to Triumff?