My new paperweight/desk reference. I needed one to look at "hands on" for Salvation's Reach. I don't want to give the plot away, but you need to imagine three of them, battered and stripped out for a disposable ram-raid, and painted up like the Minis in the Italian Job. Okay, not literally...
God, this book is so much fun.
Anyway, I wanted it spruced up with a paint job so it wasn't bare resin, so I turned to my friend and model-maker Richard Dugher (remember his Titan?). Just a basic assemble and paint job, I said. Of course, with Rich, even his basic makes most people cry. And yes, just for fun, there is a joke colour scheme reference in the pilot's kit. He appears to have switched off his targeting computer. If you're suitably impressed, check out Rich's link (Custom Fish) opposite and tell him I sent you.
Back to work. This book is putting several pieces of Forge World kit through the wringer. And several beloved characters. Don't hate me.
See you at Black Library Live! on Saturday or Waterstone's Nottingham on Thursday night.
Yes awaiting Space battle and post mortem debris! Hurray for Dan Abnett!
Something with a protruding glass cockpit doesn't seem the IDEAL choice for ram-raiding, I have to say, couldn't they get hold of a Caestus? (I know, Space Marine)
Very nice.
There's that lovely line in the forge world book about how the Arvus has always been regarded as having a stubborn and tenacious machine spirit...great stuff. I love the Arvus. The Ford Transit of the 40k space fleet! :-)
By the way, Dan, have you seen this?
FFG have announced their sequel to Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Deathwatch...a new game called Black Crusade where you roleplay a follower of the Ruinous powers! Apparently Graham Macneil is excited about it...
Stay on target. Stay on target!
Ah the Arvus Lighter, how my roleplay group misses these robust little craft in Rogue Trader. Ever since they got the Gun Cutter they've never had a reliable landing yet, whilst their extraction craft (the Lighter) never has a problem.
Should be interesting to see what gets done with them in the story.
Dukeleto: Armaplas is a very forgiving substance.
Dan i beg you for one favor!
Please write some Chaos Space Marines vs Ghosts in Salvations Reach. And make their legion allience known (or Iron Warriors or Black Legion or...) - i begging you!
Its would be like cognac on my wounds - i cant attend to BL Live!
But hating you for wringing is so much fun!
I'm really pumped for Salvation's Reach as I finally caught up in GG by reading Blood Pact (which was great by the way... except for the weird continuity thing going on with Kolea and his son; I'm glad Capt. Daur finally got to be a little less straight edged and had some fun).
I'm even more pumped for an eventual follow up to Ravenor/Eisenhorn...
Dukeleto - gonna have to hunt you down as "there [really] can be only one!" :-)
My question is, are the wings variable-geometry, like one of those Star Wars Imperial Shuttles, or are they just fixed in that wingtips-down position. Either way, it's a lovely model, and I can't wait to read the book.
"I don't want to give the plot away, but you need to imagine three of them, battered and stripped out for a disposable ram-raid, and painted up like the Minis in the Italian Job. "
Oi, Elim, you're only supposed to blow the ****** doors off! :)
Though the real question is:
Can they repel fire of That magnitude?
Wow-basic work my foot- those things are pretty! Wish my paperweights looked like that :)
Dan, I've just watched the Ultramarines Movie and was mightily impressed. Have you had any more suggestions about actors for a First-and-Only movie?
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