Some splendid character sketches from this blog's good friend Nic Giacondino. May I also take this opportunity to point you in the direction of his fabulous online strip here. Gosh, it's just great!
Before I forget, hair colour suggestions for Carl or Wystan, anybody?
Very nice! What's Kara holding up? Looks like a taco.
Carl: blond.
Wystan: glossy black.
Carl is blonde.
Wystan....I had him with next to no hair, as in cut quite close to the skull, but the stubble was sort off a non-description dirty ash blonde/greying.
But that's just me.
I reckon dirty blond and tobacco stained for Wystan, dreads or similar and I always imagined Thonius with a neat, jet-black ponytail tied with a ribbon, for no reason other than because black goes with everything.
I also would like to compliment the artist on the choice of angle for Patience. I always imagined her with a spectacularly nice bum too.
But Carl dyed his hair black! And I liked it better that way.
I saw Wystan as a bit Jack Nicholson.
Matthew - Blonde was better.
And I love Kara's boobs.
Carl: if Carl gets blond hair, he looks like Guybrush Treepwood.
Sure as sure.
I would say some bright glossy brown.
Wystan: black
Yup, agree with Matthew F, blonde for Carl, greasy black for Wystan.
If I were to cast these guys in a movie, I'd say:
Harlon Nayl: Van Diesel
Wsytan Frauka: Tim Roth (hair dyed black)
Carl: Benedict Cumberbatch (the new Sherlock Holmes on BBC1-hair dyed blonde, of course)
I'll need to think about the others... For Ravenor of course you could just use a model for the pre-Thracian atrocity version, later on you'd just need an actor with A VOICE (I put it in capitals because it would have to be a bot of a special voice...Patrick Stuart, Brian Blessed, Tom BAker...actually maybe not the last two...)
Carl: Black, but puts in streaks of colour to match his current outfit.
Wystan: Blonde, to underline the disparity between actual physical appearance and how others perceive him.
Thonius is definitely blond. Wispy, pale.
Frauka's a nondescript brown.
Very awesome!
Xhalax: I think everyone loves Kara's boobs.
Wystan Frauka has no hair... anywhere as far as I'm concerned.
Carl is most definitely dark and glossy.
Trust me.
I don't find Kara's bust very interesting, so I guess that makes me the odd (woman) out. Zeph's quite handsome though!
Carl's hair is blond. Wystan's got that dirty blond/ash-blondish hair that women tend to dye something more interesting and men tend not to care they have.
Magic stuff.
Patience is just as I saw her but Zael looks more brattish than I would have made him.
Carl needs wispy blonde locks and Wystan..... unimpressive mousey brown.
Carl blonde EVER! heh
And Frauka always saw him as this fat, kind of lazy type of guy, with browish-blondie with black roots hair, all mes´up, kind of Rufus from Street Fighter IV, but not so fat.. fattish, heh.
Brilliant sketches! It is alwas fun to see how others imagine the characters.
For me Carl is a blonde while Wystan is nondescript light brown.
I wonder if it is anything near how Mr. Abnett imagined them, when he wrote the books.
Wystan needs a nice rich Irish Red color going on. Carl: perhaps blinding blond/ivory.
Did I hook you up with Nic?
Always pictured Wystan as greasy black and thinning, and Carl as a very light, almost grey blonde similar to the wigs of renaissance.
Brilliant :) I never imagined Kara with smaller boobs as she was/is a gymnast.
Imagine everyone in literiture to have dark hair. Even if the author says otherwise. And I don't take much notice of their hairs shape. Infact the look of a character is one of the two things I have trouble visulise (the other being voices, I have a bank of oly 6 or 7 diferent voices in my head)
I thought of Harlon as tall and strong but not THAT muscular.
Shouldnt Kys be the one with bigger boobs instead of Kara?
Carl is definitively the blond guy and i'd say Wystan is the one with black hair bearing some shades of white due to stress and aging
Chris - I think you did, yes. -- Dan
while we're on the subject, i gotta say that Kara's boobs look kinda... augmented to me.
maybe it's just the sports bra...
Kara´s boobs are perfect. No discussion here.
Carl is obviously blond, silver but yet colorful blond.
And I always visualized Frauka as Benicio del Toro in Sin City (slightly long dirty black with dandruff).
I always imagined Harlon as the Abnett himself in steroids.
Gaius Baltar/James Callis would have made a perfect Carl thonius.
last reply was mine, sorry to whomever uses Duke normally.
Also, some kickass lines there, I wish i was that good at drawing. oh well, just one way to get better.
Uh, is this for a comic? And when is it coming out? And who is the publisher? And, and, and I feel like I should have more questions.
Brian Blessed as Ravenor...
"Molotch's ALIVE!" XD
On the hair issue, nothing new to add about Carl, it's all been said.
Wystan, I imagined dark hair and greased back with pomade.
Carl strikes me as a natural Strawberry.
Black for Wystan, with a fu-man-chu.
Ah, Kara...She could tie me down and treat me like a heretic anyday she wants.....
Carl would be a very neat and tidy blonde
And Wystan a messy dark :)
No clear idea why, but I always pictured Wystan with a bit of sideburns and a goatee, dirty/sandy blonde . I really have no idea why I picture him with sideburns and a goatee, but it's hard to imagine him otherwise.
I always imagined Fruaka as a black guy with a straddling pony tail
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