I can well imagine that this piece of funny won't be repeat-posted on the homepages of the comicbook creators it's less than flattering about. I understand that, just as I'm sure you'll understand why a little bit of it appealed to me. Thanks for forwarding it to me, anonymous donor who I won't drop in it by mentioning by name.

Click on it, guys, to get the funny!
So does that make you Han or Chewie Mr. A - with the beard I'm going for Chewie!
Man that must take some time to shave every morning.
How long will it take andy to ring youafter seeing this to utters the immortal words 'punch it Abnett' lol
I got a bad feeling about this
The probability of Dan writing Double Eagle 2 next are 3456565 to one.
Ha-ha, bigwill you are right!
Now iam happy - i dont need to worry - 6 years and we will love the Jadgea again!
Long live Phantine 20!
From the few times I've met Stan Sakai, R-2 is an uncannily perfect alter ego...
Okay, why am I Chewie? How did that happen?
The Goatee
And because it lists you guys left to right and that's the order Han & Chewie are standing in. Not saying I agree, just sayin'. Beard PreJudice plays no part for me personally...
Sorry Dan, guess that makes us 3 for 3 on unexpected reactions, huh?
It ain't wise to upset a wookiee...
Mwahahahahaha - I made the mighty Abnett a wookie!
"Punch it Chewie!"
LOL. Not much more can be said.
Do you often scream and pull your opponents arms of if they beat you in chess? Just so I know, just in case.
Just tell me where you hide your glasses there, Dan.
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