A: April 18th 2009!
For those who are interested, I will be conducting a small, but perfectly formed, signing tour of the North of England, around Easter time. I will be in Manchester on Saturday 18th April for an hour from 12 noon, and Liverpool on Sunday 19th April for an hour from 11 am (sorry for the early start). I realise that this is only a fortnight away, and, therefore, short notice, but please contact the local GW stores in Manchester and Liverpool for more details.
Rather looking forward to it!
See you there.
A: No, no I won't.
Rock on next Saturday though!
when are you coming to the Bay Area?
too early!! why not two weeks later;((
im so unlucky;(
maybe Plymouth one day?
Well well wel, on the road on my birthday ;)
see you there Dan
just have to decide now which one of your many books i bring to get signed
Ela - oddly enough, Plymouth might just be a possibility. Ask at your local GW Shop, and get them to put in a request with Nottingham, and we'll see what we can do.
Smee - bring 'em all!
ok then, i will, all of them, and i will say you put me up to it Nik ;)
'cue maniacal laugh'
I keep bugging the managers of both my 'local' GW stores about fetching you back up to the Midlands, but they haven't presented me with any results yet.
I half-suspect they're waiting for me to actually buy something in the store before they'll give my request any serious consideration
Nik thanks a lot will do it;)
but my local GW store is fun, they are always asking me if im buying books for my bf or brother, when they hear it is for me, first look at me as im so kind of a weirdo and than everyone wants to chat haha
Dan Abnett, Sorry for my appearance and my English. I am a student from Russia and I need your help. the fact that I am writing a dissertation on the work of one of your books. Your explanation and just need your help. Here's my mail for feedback....
With hope, Ann
Hey Dan (and everyone else reading this) I've recently got into the whole 40K novels thing with a copy of the Souleaters omnibus (by Ben Counter) and I wanted to read some of your stuff, what do you reccommend to get me started off with?
Can't go wrong with Gaunt's Ghosts, they were my first 40K novels and still remain my favourites.
(There are a fair few of them as well - plus Blood Pact comes out soon)
Oh wait.....
I thought that Blood Pact was going to be released in May - I preordered it from Amazon..(Has a quick check)...in September, it now says that the release date is the 2nd November. Is there something I don't know?
(I haven't been reading Dan's blog in a while - Sorry Dan)
gunrunner: I think Blood Pact has been delayed a couple times now. I heard that the initial run had to be quarantined and destroyed, after the cargo ship that brought it to Nottingham arrived eerily silent and deserted, with migraine-inducing patterns of blood and viscera spattered across all the bulkheads and ceilings
Yeh Sredni u know how it is in deep space we get drunk an wild
take few heads,sacrifice the crew etc.....u know how it is!
Blloooooooooodd Pact fightin on the
dance floor
By Khoorne,look at those cave men go
its a freaky shooow
Another question. Have you ever thought about continuing the Malus Darkblade Chronicles? I had knee surgery a while back and needed something to pass the time. I don't think I've been so captivated in a book quite like that.
Because I'm made of fail Mr. Abnett....technically you've not signed all of my books. All the individual novels yes....but I forgot to get you to signed Tales of Heresy.
So I still have a book to bring for you to doodle all over in September.
Ive just started reading Brothers of the Snake (had to take a break from the HH series... just finnished fulgirm and PHWOOAAARRR!is all i have to say) I really really enjoyed the first part of the book. With the Primary Clerk and Priad, just the banter between the two.
The rest of the book is good so far(not that it isnt going to be good)
Im at the bit in the deserted town when the Auspex wont work... WIN!
Hola Dan,
I hope you enjoy 'tup North. Maybe get some inspiration for some more Wallace and Gromit stories? :)
I just read that you've been signed by angry robot to do 3 new novels for them, and from the descriptions, I'm pretty durn excited.
Since this seems to be another cracking new opportunity for you, is there anything you're particularly looking forward to about writing these books, or that you'd like to tease us with where they're concerned?
ta muchly,
If you're in Manc for a bit on Saturday, see if you can pop into the Travelling Man comic shop. I'll do ya a free brew! :D
I haven't been keeping up what with school and work, but the last I heard Blood Pact was due out this month...Is that still the case?
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