Thursday, September 03, 2009

What goes around comes around.

Hi all,

Our good friend, the digital artist and film maker, Matt Snyman is in the running for a YouTube HP competition. We love his work and want to support him, so if you'd like to visit the following tiny URL, and give him a thumbs-up, that'd be lovely. If you really like his work you can give him a thumbs-up every day. We will be!



Will Wright said...

First off ZINGGGG.
Second off I would be more than happy to give him a thumbs ups from both my Work and Home PC's

Big said...

MMMMM The Tanith handed me my Arse in kill team!
Lets hope this is not a sign of things to come.

Will Wright said...

I really enjoyed Matts entry.
It was by far the best.

Anonymous said...

put more maps in your books like necropolis honour guard the guns of tanith only in death definitely needs a few

Anonymous said...

put more maps in your books like necropolis honour guard the guns of tanith only in death definitely needs a few