Wednesday, October 18, 2006

And relax...

Well, no, not actually. I just finished my Big Secret Project - you know, you know, the one I’m not allowed to blog about yet. Sheesh! Everyone knows about it by now, but due to a fancy nondisclosure, I can’t breathe a word about it. How frustrating is that? To spend a month and a half finishing something, and find that, still, it’s a secret?
Never mind. Take a look at Amazon. You’ll find it there. I didn’t tell you to look at Amazon, did I? Me, I’m saying nothing.
Anyway, my B.S.P was a lot of fun. The deadline was last Thursday, my birthday. Also the day after my youngest’s birthday, and the same day as my parent-in-laws’ Golden Wedding anniversary dinner. As a result, my birthday got postponed. Big Day. The dinner was lovely, and the deadline was met.
So what now, I hear you cry? I spent the day today with the fine folks at Games Workshop, and tightened up the next few months of schedule. My next project is Gaunt #11 - “Only In Death”. Gosh, doesn’t that sound like the last in the series? It’s the last in “The Lost” arc, that’s all I’m saying. A certain, prolonged ‘rest period’ might follow, where I turn to other things like Heresy books and, oh, I dunno...
“Yes, Dan, but is it true that Ibram dies in ’Only In Death’?” I hear you quake. Well, I couldn’t possibly comment. But I am, as we know, an equal-fatalities employer.
Texas Chainsaw’s turning out to be a really rewarding job. Who’d have thought that so much horror would be so much fun? The Cal Hamilton/Malone stuff also kicked off, and now Sinister Dexter - or at least surviving partner Sinister, is back in 2000AD, taking names and kicking arse. I urge you to prog-up and read “Places To Go, People to Do,” a six parter that leads into “Pros and Cons”. Nothing will ever be the same again.
May I also urge you in the direction of my good friend Ian Edginton’s Dark Horse series Scarlet Traces. It’d be fab even if it wasn’t drawn by the peerless D’Israeli. It’s so good, I could choke. Way too much talent, them two. Ian and I have been partners in crime again recently - check out what Boom! comics is about to send your way.
What else? Oh, yeah. I’ll blog about The Joe Haldeman Revelation next time. Also, next time, I’ll wax lyrical about Something For Kate. And other stuff, like... something.
The Armour Of Contempt is now out. See you at Forbidden Planet this Saturday at 1 PM, or at GW Plaza Oxford Street the Saturday after. Or The Gamer’s Guild in Redhill next Thursday at 2 PM. Come on, you gotta be able to make one of those.
Over the table at my parent-in-laws’ Golden Wedding anniversary dinner, my sister in law Zoe whispered to me a joke about a tattooist and a woman. It was the funniest thing I’ve heard in ages, but sadly too vulgar to post here. Or say out loud at a Golden Wedding anniversary dinner. Thanks, Zoe.
I’d like to take the opportunity to blog here a happy birthday to my daughter Lily (for last week), my daughter Jess (for next week) and my mum (also next week).
I’m off to play with my Sabbatier filleting knife - people should be careful what they give you as birthday presents, shouldn’t they?


Anonymous said...

for the love of God and all that is Holy, please do all that a mere mortal can for the heresy series since its auspicious beginning has degenerated to tepidity

Anonymous said...

I'd come to your signings, but work is in the way of both of them and if I keep going to them, it might come across as a little... you know. Stalky.

Also finished me run through of the Gaunts Ghosts books today. I await my copy of The Armour of Contempt with a fanboyish glee. Not as much fanboyish glee as my Collectors Edition of The Burning Crusade, you understand, but I've plenty of glee of the fanboy flavour to be spread around.

As for the Heresy series, it was a strong start, but it's slowly losing the edge as I had dreaded when I first heard about it. Maybe I just long for the pre-Imperial era, a Warhammer 30k. But like the Heresy, perhaps that's best left in the mists of time...

Toymachine said...

Jee, Dan!!!!!!!

Does Gaunt die?


Its got a big scary tyranid on the front too, for those who wan't written proof.

"Only in death, which begins with - brace yourselves, readers - the death of Gaunt!!"

only every nerd in The World knows now!!!!

Anonymous said...

torchwood novel huh? I actually checked amazon... (blush)

Anonymous said...

That comment doesn't feature nearly sufficient exclamation marks...
It should read:

Torchwood Novel - WOO!!!!!!!!!

...Quiet exclamation marks of course. It is a secret after all...

Anonymous said...

Was that the big secret then? I looked, but didn't know which was being referred to.

Anonymous said...

Stupid Amazon isn't giving up it's secrets....or to be more accurate, your secrets just ye.

I'm not amused.

And someone gave you knives for your birthday?

Classy! Practical gifts are always the best sort of gifts. Especially ones that can dismember!

Anonymous said...

Just finished the Eisenhorn saga again... for the third time iirc. Just wanted to say thanks for a great story, a story that definitely deserves the full Peter Jackson treatment.

Anonymous said...

Your secret is safe with me, Dan.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! - Tatooist joke... is that the numb one?

Anonymous said...

hello, I am a kid in high school. I have read your series malus darkblade that you have teamed up with mike lee to make. I think bloodstrom was just amazing! sadly it got ruined in my tent when it flooded when i went out camping. = ( I am going to buy a new one though. you guys are amazing in these series. Well i gotta go. amazing book again. = ]