Tropic Of Conversation got you all nice and chat-tastic again - keep it up, and keep posting those hero choices too. Comments so far:
Christian - Good call. I had completely forgotten about Dominic Fortune and how much I like him.
Mob - Both Iron Fist and Union Jack are just outside my top five. Iron Fist and Warlock are characters who have featured in two of my all-time favourite single pages in comics. I’ll dig out the issue references sometime. And why is Wanda Maximoff such a big surprise? I love magic characters, and when I was a kid she was my first comic book crush.
lendosan - Yes, Nick Fury, if it’s classic Steranko.
narratavium - Funny, funny, funny, funny, funny.
Anonymous - I love wine, though I can’t drink it anymore because of my epilepsy. The offer is appreciated, however, as is the information.
Ambrose - Thanks for supporting your choices with such good commentaries and spreading the word. 616 Cap (who would make my top ten) would, however, wipe all kinds of floor with Ultimate CA ;)
HiWayRobry - Sleepwalker?
Really? I don’t know if that’s crazy or genius. I think it’s probably cranius. Or gezy.
Mr Swallow - Damn you, nice list. We’re men of a certain demographic, I feel. Hawkeye, Captain Britain, Rom...mmmm....hero-y...
BigWill - I want to see a story where a drunk Iron Man voms with his visor down.
Very cool comments all round. So here’s the inevitable follow up
Tropic Of Conversation for Thursday: “Top Five Marvel
Mine? Given the Thanos Imperative series I’m working on for Marvel right now (what do you
mean, you haven’t seen the advance publicity!?), we can take Thanos and Adam Magus as read. After them:
a) Kang
b) Mysterio
c) Bullseye (Frank Miller era)
d) Proteus
e) The Abomination
Your turn. Gentlemen and ladies -
start your list-engines!